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Whilst at the GKR World Cup, why not take full advantage of your visit? Liverpool is a city like no other. The rich blend of history and culture, combined with the vibrancy, humour and energy of its people, has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions. Boasting two cathedrals, more Grade II listed buildings than London and the biggest Chinese arch outside of China, this UNESCO World Heritage City is very special.

Check out the latest and greatest goings on in the North West for you to make the most of your visit to Liverpool.

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To see what is on, visit the Merseyside tourist information site.



To see what is on, visit the Manchester tourist information site.


To see what is on, visit the Lancashire tourist information site.


To see what is on, visit the Cheshire tourist information site. tourist information site.



To see what is on, visit the Welsh tourist information site.
